Frequently Asked Questions

Keep checking back here for the latest news and updates! These FAQs will be updated frequently with more news and guidance! Thank you for your patience and understanding!

- Your KingCon Team

Ticket Transfers

We understand that travel plans can be hard to nail down, especially a year in advance! So, tickets ARE TRANSFERABLE! However, our team cannot be the coordinators of transfers. If you want to sell your ticket, please pay to have it shipped to you and then you can sell to someone else.

We are not responsible for issues related to tickets being re-sold.


All sales are final.

Thanks for understanding

I purchased tickets, now what?

That’s It! Start making plans and reservations!

NOTE: Your PayPal receipt is your proof of purchase and confirmation that we received your payment!


As you have seen on the main page, we have SPONSORS!!!

Here are our sponsor tiers:

What does my ticket cover?

Right now, everything related to the convention. Additional activities (such as Escape IT, shows, and gambling funds) are not included.

Will Stephen King be there?????

We have asked and we know he is aware of KingCon 2024. We do NOT, however, expect him to attend "in person." I know we would all love for him to be there - maybe next time? What about Joe, Owen, or Tabitha? Same answer: we have asked.

Will there be cosplay?

Yes, with prizes! Stay tuned for more on this!

Does the hotel offer a group rate?

Unfortunately, since this is our first con, we were unable to secure a group rate. We hope that will change next time given our success.

Will there be swag or goodies for attendees?

YES!! Stay tuned for more.

When will you announce VIPs and schedule?

VIPs will be announced both on our website and official Facebook page just as soon as they are confirmed. Some may be a surprise… Everyone likes surprises, right?
So far we have:

  • Thursday (10/24): Vendor check-in and early registration (5-8pm)
  • Friday & Saturday (10/25 & 10/26): We are still finalizing the convention lineup and schedule but our planned panels include:
    • Publisher’s Panel: A behind-the-scenes discussion with and about small press publishers
    • Artist’s Panel: A dialogue between artists who have illustrated King’s fiction
    • Live Podcast with a popular King podcast series
    • Stephen King Limited Editions: A chronological deep-dive into our favorite King limited editions from Firestarter on
    • Film/Television Panel: A keynote address and/or audience-engaged conversation with highly-respected members of the King film/television industry
    • Author Panel: A conversation between best-selling horror authors on how King has influenced their writing and publishing
  • Sunday (10/27): Travel / Free day

Can I bring books or prints to have signed by artists and/or authors in attendance?

Yes, please do! We are still working to secure some very special guests and, while we cannot guarantee autographs will be provided, it’s better to have one in your room just in case!

Will there be any events like Comic-Con Hall H that we have to wait in line to see? Will we have access to it all?

Access to all, YES. We are inclusive in the respect that EVERY attendee will have the opportunity to see all speakers, guests, and anyone that has come to be a part of this event. We are designing the meeting space to accommodate anyone who wants to be at the con.

Will there be surprises?


Do we need any spending money after purchasing tickets?

Yes! It’s a good idea to have CASH since we will not be taking credit cards or personal checks at the event.
* Some Vendors might accept credit cards, but we have no influence on this *
There are many ways to spend cash in Las Vegas!

What time should we try to arrive on Thursday, October 24?

Registration will begin Thursday evening and continue both Friday and Saturday. We will update the schedule just as soon as it’s finalized.

Will there be another KingCon if I am unable to attend in 2024?

It is our hope that KingCon will become a biennial event to celebrate the great Stephen King!

Vendor Tables/Booths

Please check out our Vendors page for more information!

Terms & Conditions

Please review our Terms & Conditions and Anti-harassment Policy

Age Restrictions

We require that all ticket holders be a minimum of 18 years old. If you have already purchased a ticket for a minor - please contact us.

We appologise if this is an inconvenience for anyone.